UID Error Description
Sl No Error Code Error Description
1 00 Success
2 000 Success
3 001 Success
4 057 Kindly login again
5 05D Invalid Device ID
6 092 Technical Error, contact helpdesk
7 099 Server Network Connection Timed Out, please try again
8 09A Technical Error, contact helpdesk
9 09C Connection Timed Out
10 09D Device id Not mapped,Please try again or Dealer logged again through other device
11 09S Server Error, Please try again
12 09T Technical Error, contact helpdesk
13 09V Unauthorized User
14 100 Success
15 110 Aadhaar number does not have verified mobileemail
16 111 Aadhaar number does not have verified mobile
17 112 Aadhaar number does not have both email and mobile
18 113 Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified email ID.
19 114 Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified Mobile Number
20 115 Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified email and Mobile.
21 1201 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
22 1202 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
23 1203 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
24 1204 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
25 1205 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
26 200 Demographic data did not match
27 300 Biometric data did not match
28 310 Duplicate fingers used
29 311 Duplicate Irises used
30 312 FMR FIR cannot be used in same transaction
31 313 Single FIR record contains more than one finger
32 314 Number of FMRFIR should not exceed 10
33 315 Number of IIR should not exceed 2
34 316 Number of FID should not exceed 1
35 317 Number of biometric modalities (FaceFingerIRIS) should not exceed 2.
36 318 BFD transaction should not contain other modalities in input.
37 320 FMR+FIR not present in the request
38 330 Biometrics locked by Aadhaar holder
39 331 Aadhaar locked by Aadhaar number holder for all authentications
40 332 Aadhaar number usage is blocked by Aadhaar number holder.
41 333 Mismatch in “posh” attributes mentioned for FMR and FIR. Value of “posh” ifmentioned other than “default” (when both FMR and FIR is used) should have the same finger position for FMR as that of corresponding FIR.
42 334 Mismatch in count of FMR and FIR. ie Number of FMRs and FIRs should be same inside PID.
43 400 OTP validation failed
44 401 Tkn validation failed
45 402 txn value did not match with txn value used in Request OTP API.
46 403 Invalid OTP
47 430 TOTP usage is not allowed for this aadhaar holder. Please install m-aadhaar and generate TOTP
48 444 Improper Response from AUA Server, please try again
49 500 Invalid Skeyencryption
50 501 Invlaid CI value in Skey
51 502 Invalid Pid Encryption
52 503 Invalid HMac encryption
53 504 Session key re-initiation required due to expiry or key out of sync
54 505 Synchronized Skey usage is not allowed
55 510 Invalid XML format
56 511 Invalid PID XML format
57 512 Invalid Aadhaar holder consent in rc attribute of Auth
58 513 Invalid Protobuf Format
59 514 Invalid UID token in input.
60 515 Invalid VID Number in input.
61 516 InvalidNon Decryptable ANCS Token in input. Use correct ANCS token in request.
62 517 Expired VID is used in input.
63 518 ANCS Token in input is already used or expired.
64 519 Inappropriate ANCS token used. This means that the ANCS token used is not associated withthe AUA or with the transaction ID.
65 520 Invalid device
66 521 Invalid Finger device
67 522 Invalid Iris device
68 523 Invalid “ts” attribute. Either it is not in correct format or is older than20 min.
69 524 Invalid mi code under Meta tag
70 527 Invalid mc code under Meta tag.
71 528 Device - Key Rotation policy
72 530 Invalid AUA code
73 531 Invalid Sub-AUA.
74 532 VID is not yet generated. To use specific services like UID lock which require VID to be pre generated, please generate a VID before using service
75 540 Invalid XML version
76 541 Invalid PID XML version
77 542 AUA not authorized for ASA
78 543 Sub-AUA not associated with AUA
79 550 Invalid USES element attributes
80 552 WADH Validation failed
81 553 Registered devices currently not supported.
82 554 Public devices are not allowed to be used
83 555 rdsId is invalid and not part of certification registry
84 556 rdsVer is invalid and not part of certification registry.
85 557 dpId is invalid and not part of certification registry.
86 558 Invalid dih
87 559 Device Certificate has expired
88 560 DP Master Certificate has expired
89 561 Request expired
90 562 Timestamp value is future time
91 563 Duplicate request
92 564 HMAC Validation failed
93 565 License key has expired
94 566 Invalid license key
95 567 Invalid input
96 568 Unsupported Language
97 569 Digital signature verification failed
98 570 Invalid key info in digital signature
99 571 PIN Requires reset
100 572 Invalid biometric position
101 573 PI usage not allowed as per license
102 574 PA usage not allowed as per license
103 575 PFA usage not allowed as per license
104 576 FMR usage not allowed as per license
105 577 FIR usage not allowed as per license
106 578 IIR usage not allowed as per license
107 579 OTP usage not allowed as per license
108 580 OTP usage not allowed as per license
109 581 Fuzzy matching usage not allowed as per license
110 582 Local language usage not allowed as per license
111 584 Invalid Pin code in Meta element
112 585 Invalid Geo code in Meta element
113 586 FID usage not allowed as per license.
114 587 Name space not allowed.
115 588 Registered device not allowed as per license
116 590 Public device not allowed as per license.
117 591 BFD usage is not allowed as per license.
118 592 Device blocked for more than allowed error percentage.
119 593 Device blocked for more than allowed velocity.
120 594 Device in blocked State.
121 710 Missing PI data as specified in USES
122 720 Missing PA data as specified in USES
123 721 Missing PFA data as specified in USES
124 730 Missing PIN data as specified in USES
125 740 Missing OTP data as specified in USES
126 800 Invalid biometric data
127 807 Invalid Aadhaar ID
128 810 Missing biometric data as specified in USES
129 811 Missing biometric data in CIDR
130 812 Finger not Detected
131 820 BT value missed
132 821 Invalid BT value
133 822 Invalid value in the BS attribute of Bio element within Pid
134 901 No authentication data found in the request
135 902 Invalid Date
136 910 Invalid MVPFA Vales
137 911 Invalid MVPFA Vales
138 912 Invalid MS value
139 913 Invalid PAPFA Vales
140 914 Face alone is not allowed as biometric modality. You should send face alongwith anotherbiometric modality like Finger or IRIS or OTP.
141 915 Face auth is not allowed for this age of resident.
142 916 Invalid face Image format in input.
143 917 Invalid face capture type.
144 930 AUAASA Server error
145 931 AUAASA Server error
146 932 AUAASA Server error
147 933 AUAASA Server error
148 934 AUAASA Server error
149 935 AUAASA Server error
150 936 AUAASA Server error
151 937 AUAASA Server error
152 938 AUAASA Server error
153 939 AUAASA Server error
154 940 Unauthorized ASA channel
155 941 Unspecified ASA channel
156 950 Could not generate andor send OTP
157 951 Biometric lock related technical error
158 952 OTP Flooding Error
159 953 OTP Flooding Error
160 980 Unsupported option
161 994 Aadhaar Deactivated due to deceased Status
162 995 Aadhaar suspended by competent authority
163 996 Aadhaar Cancelled,Resident should re-enroll.
164 997 Invalid Aadhaar Status
165 998 Invalid Aadhaar Number
166 999 Unknown error
167 BAAF002 Sub-AUA Does not Exists
168 DEVICE_INVALID The device is not authorized to use the AUA Services
169 K-100 Resident authentication failed
170 K-200 Resident data currently not available
171 K-514 Invalid UID Token Used.
172 K-515 Invalid VID used.
173 K-516 Invalid ANCS Token used.
174 K-517 VID used is expired.
175 K-519 Invalid Authenticator Code.
176 K-540 Invalid KYC XML
177 K-541 Invalid e-KYC API version
178 K-542 Invalid resident consent -rc attribute in Kyc element
179 K-543 Invalid timestamp
180 K-544 Invalid resident auth type ra attribute in Kyc element does not match what is in PID block
181 K-545 Resident has opted-out of this service. This feature is not implemented currently
182 K-546 Invalid value for pfr attribute
183 K-547 Invalid value for wadh attribute within PID block
184 K-550 Invalid Uses Attribute
185 K-551 Invalid Txn namespace
186 K-552 Invalid License key
187 K-553 KUA License key Expired.
188 K-569 Digital signature verification failed for e-KYC XML
189 K-570 Invalid key info in digital signature for e-KYC XML
190 K-571 Technical error while signing the eKYC response.
191 K-600 ASA is invalid or not an authorized KSA
192 K-601 ASA is invalid or not an authorized ASA
193 K-602 KUA encryption key not available
194 K-603 ASA encryption key not available
195 K-604 ASA Signature not allowed
196 K-605 Neither KUA key nor ASA encryption key are available
197 K-955 Technical Failure
198 K-956 Technical error while generating the PDF file.
199 K-999 Unknown error
200 M-100 Resident authentication failed, see “Rar” element to see details of resident authentication error
201 M-110 Operator authentication failed, see “Oar” element to see details of operator authentication error
202 M-120 Authentication code that was sent under “Oad” is invalid.Operator must be re-authenticated
203 M-121 Aadhaar number of the operator does not match with the earlier authentication request for which response code was provided
204 M-200 service currently not available
205 M-540 Invalid Mobile XML
206 M-541 Invalid Mobile API version
207 M-542 Invalid resident consent (“rc” attribute in “Mou” element).
208 M-543 Invalid timestamp (“ts” attribute in “Mou” element)
209 M-544 Invalid resident auth type (“ra” attribute in “Mou” element does not match what is in PID block within “Rad”)
210 M-545 Resident has opted-out of this service
211 M-546 Invalid mobile verification code
212 M-547 Invalid email address (“nem” value has invalid format)
213 M-548 Invalid value for data sharing consent (“dsc” value is invalid)
214 M-551 Invalid “Txn” namespace either for “UMN:R” or for “UMN:O”
215 M-569 Digital signature verification failed for Mobile XML
216 M-570 Invalid key info in digital signature for Mobile XML
217 M-600 AUA is invalid or not an authorized to call this API
218 M-999 Unknown error
219 NR NA
220 SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE cidr server not reachable
221 UNA101 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
222 UNA102 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
223 UNA103 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
224 UNA104 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
225 UNA105 AUA server connection timed out, please try again
226 UNA106 AUA server connection timed out, please try again